
Mandala Lab @BAM comes to Portanuova, with the Rubin Museum of Art - NY

After making stops in Bilbao and London, the Mandala Lab @BAM, an interactive installation immediately reminiscent of the Mandala circle, a meditation tool in the Buddhist tradition, arrives in Italy through the cultural partnership between BAM and the Rubin Museum in New York.

From Sunday 24 March until Sunday 21 April.
A calendar full of free events, in collaboration with Portanuova, offers visitors a unique and engaging experience inspired by Buddhist principles, neuroscience and Himalayan culture.

The immersive installation of the Mandala Lab @BAM allows people to explore the complexity of their emotions and increase their levels of empathy and compassion, putting the person at the center of the experience.  

Here, you will be able to immerse yourself in the 5 installation areas, each dedicated to a state of mind: pride, attachment, envy, anger and ignorance, feelings that according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition can be transformed, using a mandala as a guide, into wisdom through specific practices.

The activities - inspired by the artists - in the Mandala Lab @BAM invite you to confront these difficult emotions and change your perspective on the world, others and yourself.

All you need to do is find out about all the events by visiting the Portanuova Milano app and come to the Mandala Lab @BAM to discover your feelings!


  • Via G. de Castillia 28