  • 15 Dec - 22 Dec
  • 11:00 - 21:00

Rebel Moon is the new, highly anticipated science fiction saga created by Zack Snyder whose first chapter, Rebel Moon - Part 1: Daughter of Fire, is arriving only on Netflix from December 22nd.

The atmosphere of the movie will be recreated through an experiential installation: Piazza Gae Aulenti will be transformed into a wheat field with a large red moon, an iconic element of the movie.
But not only that... the headquarters of the rebels, the protagonists of the movie, will be recreated right in front of the moon, and there will also be a special window as the perfect place to photograph the moon and take lots of selfies.

An environment, an experience, a unique photo opportunity - it will be a lot of fun to cross Veldt while shopping.

We are waiting for you!


  • Piazza Gae Aulenti
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