  • 21 Jul - 30 Jul
  • 11:30 - 18:00

Come and experience Meta's innovative Oculus virtual reality system exclusively. Meta's Oculus offers an unprecedented virtual reality experience, allowing you to immerse yourself completely in a virtual world where you can experience unique emotions. You will explore fantastic worlds, travel to distant places, play immersive video games and so much more. 

From the Webidoo Store you will have the opportunity to try Meta's Oculus as a preview, savoring the sensation of being in a world completely different from the real one. 

Our staff will be at your disposal to explain how it works and to provide you with useful advice to make the most of this experience. 

Don't miss the opportunity to have a unique and immersive virtual reality experience. Book your free 30-minute slot through the Portanuova Milano app, hurry, places are limited!

* Prohibited for use by children under 14 years of age


  • Via Amerigo Vespucci, 12
All dates: