  • 21 January
  • 10:00 - 16:00

Milan is the city of design and Portanuova is certainly the symbol of the modern architecture of this city. The Architectural Photography workshop will allow you to capture the soul of modern architectural structures in the heart of Milan, researching the geometries, shapes, details and colors that make this photographic genre very creative.

Course Details:
Levels: open to everyone, from those just starting out to experts looking for new challenges. Basic knowledge of ISO, shutter speed and aperture required;
Program: Initial briefing, followed by practical sessions on camera setup, composition, perspectives and creative tricks.

Practical part:
Camera setup: in-depth analysis of ISO, shutter speed and aperture;
Photographic Genre: explanation of the focus of the course and strategies for dealing with it;
Geometries and Criticalities: in-depth examination of structures and architectural details;
Composition and Framing: techniques for creating balanced and captivating images;
Swinging Perspectives and Lenses: take advantage of unique angles to make the composition dynamic;
Vertical and Convergent: manage the visual effects of architectural lines;
Camera Position: the importance of choosing the right point of view,
Focal Length Effects: How lens choice affects composition;
Point Shot and HDR: Create detailed images in complex lighting situations;
Creative Tricks: tips to make each photo unique.

Indulge in a day of learning, exploration and fun through the lens of your camera, an opportunity that will allow you to hone your architectural photography skills while capturing the unique beauty of Portanuova.

What are you waiting for? Book your place for only €35

NOTE: Minimum number of participants 5, maximum 12


  • Piazza Gae Aulenti